Benefits Driven Programmes
Benefits Driven Programmes – or BDP for short - is a Problems Solved Unique Selling Point (USP) The concept is extremely simple: Rather than measuring progress on our programmes by deliverables, as everyone else does, we go straight for the goal and measure ourselves on benefits achieved
Adrian Jones, Problems Solved Commercial Director talks about our Benefits Driven approach to consulting and programme management- something we believe makes us stand out from the crowd.

Why does no one else do it?
Because its harder to do than just measuring what you have thrown over the fence lately and you actually get measured on achievement rather than pure output, it is a bit like measuring your Ocean freight department on how much direct profit they have generated, by operator, rather than how many files they have handled.
Is it Problems solved methodology?
No, we will use every methodology out there, be it MSP, Prince2, Agile or any other, tailor them to suit the customer, and then we overlay it with BDP – our approach.

Why we do it?
Because we can! We have world class business change people who knows how to deliver real value and are not afraid to go beyond the traditional models to achieve award winning outcomes.
How it is better for you, the customer
You get insight into the health of your investment not just at the end but continuously as your Problems Solved engagements progress and as a second and very important benefit (pun intended) BDP focusses everyone's mind, the minds – and the conversations – are always about how to get the benefits.