Criticality of business continuity

Planning for the worst and hoping for the best
24 October 2023 by
Criticality of business continuity
Problems Solved Ltd, Alec Rivers
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Something that is often overlooked is keeping a business continuity plan updated and in a state of readiness should the worst happen. This is not just about keeping the technology online but how the business will continue to function if a catastrophic event happens.

With this in mind Problems Solved will help update these plans as your business adapts and grows in an ever changing market. One such incident reported in The Loadstar ( demonstrates that with, the right plan and support recovery is possible without breaking the business. 

Expeditors battles to recover systems after possible 'ransomware' cyber-attack

A whole army of “recovery” companies will have descended on Expeditors as it battled to recover from a targeted cyber attack on Sunday.

Expeditors, which has endeavoured to keep the market updated, said yesterday its network was operating, using its global business continuity plan.

“Our employees continue to leverage back-up procedures and alternative solutions to support our customers and stakeholders,” it said.

What to look out for

Some indications that you may have a breach in cyber security include 

  1. You get a ransomware message

  2. You get a fake antivirus message

  3. You have unwanted browser toolbars

  4. Your internet searches are redirected

  5. You see frequent, random popups

  6. You observe unexpected software install

  7. Antimalware, Task Manager or Registry Editor is disabled

  8. Confidential data has been leaked

  9. You observe strange network traffic patterns

  10. There are fluctuations in the performance of your key systems

The impact of any kind of catastrophe can be mitigated with a robust business continuity plan that enables the business to continue to trade albeit in a reduced capacity whilst the rest of the plan is executed. 

This should include 

1) A plan to continue to communicate with your employees and customers.

2) A plan to keep your technology functional and / or a method for manual operation.

3) A plan to ensure your operations are still effective for the critical elements. 

4) The recovery plan has to have a timeline so your customers expectations can be managed. 

5) Have clearly defined roles and responsibilities defined in the event of a catastrophe.

6) Ensure you have relationships with suppliers that are able to help in this kind of situation.

For more information on how Problems Solved can help and improve your resiliance 

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