Problems Solved Top-10 Tips
A series of advice from Problems Solved
Business Change - fancy words vs reality
What’s the most important thing to know about business change? Too often “business change” projects have exactly zero positive impact if the effect is reviewed and evaluated 6 months (or more) after the project is closed!
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Testing - the first or last line of defence
Have you ever sat back and really thought about why and what you are testing for or when you should test? We are all told constantly how important it is to do testing, especially if you are doing a big change programme.
Top-10 tips for implementing ERP systems
A programme without a vision is like a ship without a rudder. A vision should be the guiding star for where you are going (excuse the mixed metaphors), no programme should ever move out of the starting blocks without a vision.
Top-10 tips on training- How to make it worthwhile
Billions are wasted every year on training that have little or no effect and is not worth the investment, on the other hand billions are also Not invested in training that should have been. Here are Problems Solved advice on training and how to make it worthwhile
Adrian Jones, Problems Solved Commercial Director talks about our Benefits Driven approach to consulting.